Having a bit of a love affair with Typography at the moment and on account of this I created a Logo Badge for Pushin' Promotions sister outdoor dance music event, Alfresco... Featured Typography: Lobster & Brandon Grotesque
Logo Concept
Logo concept I am working on for House Music Promotion Pushin' more here
Some people just Oooze talent...
Makes y'sick doesnt it, but hey on the other hand, Wow.. How has the work of this incredible talent eluded me until now?! So apparently his name is Joluvian, he is a venezuelan freelance graphic designer based in Madrid specialising in brush lettering and calligraphy, logos, t-shirts, posters also illustration...
Previously unknown to me, Joluvian's work is outstandingly fresh and on point, he complements beautiful strong opinionated calligraphy with incredible use of a bold palette of colours work and boy does it work!
Check him out here... Dribbble - Twitter - joluvian.com
Custom made icon fonts...
Great to see Our Web V3 project adopting custom made icon fonts to represent Iconography. By vectorising graphics which are used commonly through out websites and mobile apps we benefit from fast load times and crisp, customisable results every time from desktop to retina rendering. Turning Iconography into font families means we control their appearance by utilizong CSS to control size, positioning and colour etc rather then uploading multiple resource heavy images to the server. Using packages as simple as Inkscape and making use of free apps such as IcoMoonApp, you can achieve great results, more here...