New Enterprise Associates (NEA) launched the ‘Future of Design in Start-Ups’ survey last year to set a baseline for how design operates in the tech ecosystem and also to begin to track what value is created by design in fast growing companies that are venture backed.
The survey revealed some brilliant insights all presented in a super cool micro site here
Here’s just a few of the top insights…
By several orders of magnitude, Airbnb is hands down the most admired start-up for design among technology companies, followed by 3 enterprise co’s. We found the prevalance of B2B or B2B2C companies in the Top 10 refreshing.
The ratio of Designers to Product Managers (PMs) varies by stage, but is generally under 1:4. Somewhat surprisingly, many early stage co's have designers who serve as PMs.
There appear to be broad ranges in salaries across stages, but the median shows a clear hierarchy of compensation with technology start-ups.
About NEA
“We believe that design as a discipline is an essential ingredient in creating successful products and companies, and we are committed to nurturing design-centric businesses and contributing to a thriving design community through mentorship, events and programs.”
Read the full survey results on their super cool site…